Full Moon Various artists of SSAF 2023, HWARANG Art Pyrotechnics, Soul Burnz, Lee Heemoon x OBSGProducing Program Performance
Various artists of SSAF 2023, HWARANG Art Pyrotechnics, Soul Burnz, Lee Heemoon project
Date | Time | Place | RunningTime | Address | MySchedule |
09.29(Fri) | 18:30 | Seoul Plaza | 90min. |
About Program
An exceptional opening performance prepared by the Seoul Street Arts Festival 2023, will be held during the Chuseok holiday and will revisit the origins of the festival. With iverse participating artists of Seoul Street Arts Festival 2023, including newly selected Seoul B-Boys, 'Soul Burns', and Lee Hee-moon Project 'Obangshinwa', which has captivated audiences around the world with its reinterpretations of Korean folk songs in a variety of genres, the opening performance will be an opportunity to pray for the wishes and fulfillment of all those gathered at the plaza. We invite you to the plaza, where we face each other and hold hands, to meet the artistic Chuseok moon.
○ various artists of SSAF 2023 : Minjeong Guem, Mime Actor Sunggook Ryu, Melancholy Dance Company, Silere Arts, Atelier SISU, LDP (Laboratory Dance Project), The Greatest Masque X project NALDA X HWARANG Art Pyrotechnics, Code Sassy, FORCE, Project Luminary
○ HWARANG Art Pyrotechnics : HWARANG Art Pyrotechnics is a pyrotheater creative team that has been making various artistic attempts based on the myriad symbolism of flame and fire and is actively engaged in creative activities, overseas exchanges, and technology development to establish pyrotechnic performance as a part of the performance art genre.
○ Soul Burnz : Soul Burns was founded in 2007 and has been active since then, and has won many domestic and international competitions, and is expanding its content development and various activities such as broadcasting and performance.
○ Lee Hee-moon, a traditional Korean lyrical storyteller, 'sorikkun' combines and decomposes traditional and new styles, and suggests the direction for Korean traditional art through various experiments. Lee Heemoon's project
○ Planning : Youngsun Cho
○ Director : Kangmin Ko
○ Soul Burnz
- Dancer: Ghostwalk, Trap, Kyo, 4got, Crack, Neepy, Muff, Ven wax
○ Lee Heemoon project <Obangshinwa>
- Director·Main Vocal : Heemoon LEE
- Sub Vocal : Wonseok Jo, Jinsu Yang
- Musician : Bass Seonteck Noh, Guitar Ranhee Sun, Keyboard Hyenjoon Park, drum Seonghwan Hwang, Trumpet Yunapal, Saxophone Seungho Song, Percussion Youngwoo Song