[NOTICE] Changed schedule
Attach :
<Changed schedule>
<Instable> |
@Seoul Plaza |
10.3 15:00 ▶ 10.4 15:00 |
<I am an Island> |
@Seoul Museum of Art |
10.3 14:30 ▶ 10.4 17:00 |
<History of Slogans 1945-2015> |
@Outer Wall of Cecil Theater |
10.3 17:00 ▶ 10.4 15:00 |
<Petajdes> |
@Mugyo-ro |
10.3 17:00 ▶ 10.5 17:30 |
<#MoneyForFree> |
@Seoul Plaza |
10.3 17:30 ▶ 10.6 15:00 |
<Petajdes> |
@Deoksugung Stone-wall Road |
10.3 13:00 ▶ 10.6 17:30 |
<Fever> |
@Seoul Hall of Urbanism&Architecture |
10.4 15:00 ▶ 10.4 16:00 |
*The schedule of